Double face、unbalanced、large spring construction
Same features as TNG type TG560 series
Recommended Applications
Submersible electric pumps, sewage pumps
Other Rotating Equipment
Operating range
Shaft diameter: d1=16...55
Pressure: p=0...0.3Mpa(43.5psi)
Temperature: t = -20 °C ...80 °C(-4°F to 176°F)
Sliding velocity: n≤3000r/min
Notes: The range of preesure,temperature and sliding velocity is depend on seals combination materials
Product Structure
Combination Materials
1. Rotary Face
Carbon graphite resin impregnated Ak
Hot-Pressing Carbon Ac
Silicon carbide (RBSIC) O
Tungsten carbide W1
2. Stationary Seat
Aluminium oxide(Ceramic) B
Silicon carbide (RBSIC) O
Tungsten carbide W1
3. Auxiliary Seal
Nitrile-Butadiene-Rubber (NBR) P
Fluorocarbon-Rubber (Viton) V
4. Spring
Stainless Steel (SUS304) F
5. Metal Parts
Stainless Steel (SUS304) F