Multiple Spring Design
Ealanced Seal
DIN 24960/IS0 3069 Standard
Equivalent to Type58B
Recommended Applications
Chemical industry
Industry pumps
Process Pumps
Oil refining and petrochemical industry
Other Rotating Equipment
Operating range
Shaft diameter: d1=16...100 mm
Pressure: p=0...5.2Mpa(754psi)
Temperature: t = -40 °C .. 200 °C(-40°F to 392°F)(58B)
t = -29 °C .. 260 °C(-20.2°F to 500°F)(59B)
Sliding velocity: Vg≤25m/s(82ft/s)(5000 fpm)
Notes: The range of preesure,temperature and sliding velocity is depend on seals combination materials
Product Structure
Combination Materials
1. Rotary Face
Carbon graphite, resin impreg AK
Reaction Bonded Sic RBSIC O
Sintered Silicon Carbide SSlC O1
Tungsten Carbide.Ni-binder W
2. Stationary Seat
Reaction Bonded Sic RBSIC O
Sintered Silicon Carbide SSlC O1
Tungsten Carbide.Ni-binder W
3. Auxiliary Seal
Elastomers 0-ring(TG58B)
Fluorocarbon Rubber FKM V
Etylene Propylene Rubber EPDM E
Perfluorocarbon Rubber FFKM K
PTFE wedge ring (TG59B)
4. Spring
GrNiMo-Steel (AlS1316) G
Hastelloy C-4 M
5. Metal Parts
GrNi-Steel (AlS1304) F
GrNiMo-Steel (AlS1316) G